I also have a passion for collecting natural fabrics. I have calico, scollata, cotton scrim, muslin, hessian, various weights of linen, silk noil and habotai all in natural colours, so last weekend, following a Guild workshop, I decided to dye a selection of them.
First I tried space dyeing in plastic bags, but the results were a bit pale and far too patchy for the purpose (I think I put too much fabric into the bags), so on Sunday, I dyed them again, but this time by mixing up a couple of larger dyebaths.
I used procion dyes. Golden Yellow was just perfect for my gold colour. For the indigo, I mixed 3 parts blue to 1 part intense red.

The results were much better second time around, I'm a little dissappointed that all the fabrics are pretty much the same colours, but I will just have to be inventive with the printing!
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