Because I'd cut dozens of 10x10 black squares, I wasn't inhibited or afraid to waste paper. One or two shapes were disappointing, some fell into tiny fragments of paper because I'd made the cuts in the

To begin with, I started off by making very minor adjustments to the proportions of the 'arrow-head' shape, keeping the folding pattern constant.

As I started to vary the angles and distort the shape slightly, and also to experiment with

no.9 seemed to have a sort of 'tudor timber' architectural feel to it, which interestingly relates back to my favourite shapes in the previous exercise.
I love the dynamic, angular, 'springy' sort of feel to no.14, and also the Aztec appearance of no.15. I liked the geometric patterning of no.8 so much that I decided to try it with a little distortion of the basic cutting shape, and was amazed at how different the end result was.
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