Friday, 20 February 2015

Module 4 - Chapter 10 - Book-Type Structures to Try Out

Using dyed & stained scrap paper I experimented with various mock-ups of structural forms to see how many different ways that a book could be constructed.

Clockwise from left: machine stitched concertina book with pages of differing widths, two narrower 'books' oversewn to a central, wider book with oversewn spine, double pamphlet stitched spines with a fold in the middle, bi-folded book with machine stitched spines, pamphlet stitched book with pages of different widths, 4 pamphlets stitched through a cover layer to form a decorative spine.

top left & right, unusual and unconventional ways of suspending books
Bottom left, a book with concerina pages, bottom right is formed by an ingenious method of folding and cutting a large sheet of paper. 

Different methods of stitch were used to connect the pages together. From left to right, top row: buttonhole stitch with jute, gold thread, elastic band with wooden toggles, strings of beads, a stick attached with jute thread, tied raffia. Bottom row: a collection of various blue threads, ribbon, jute, a length of scrim, wool & oversewn raffia.

This was an interesting and valuable exercise. It gave me a lot of ideas and options to think about for my assessment book structure embroidered panel.


  1. I love all your books Julia. The unusual hanging books look great and you have found some super ways of stitching the pages together. This chapter looks like fun.

  2. Great ideas - makes me want to get on with making some books. My sister goes to a class in Malvern every Monday and she's putting me to shame! Lovely work.
