Saturday 21 July 2012

Health & Sefety Considerations

Bleach: use in a well ventillated area to avoid breathing in fumes. Wear rubber gloves to protect skin. Store away from children & pets.

Dyes: wear mask to avoid inhalling particles. Keep away from draughts. Wear rubber gloves to protect skin. Store upright with lids secure. Keep well away from food preparation areas, and also away from children & pets. Clean tools after use.

Paints & inks: keep tools specific to painting and dyeing seperate from kitchen utensils. Keep away from food preparation areas. Store upright with lids secure, away from children & pets. Clean tools after use.
Adhesives: always read manufacturers instructions before use. Use in a well ventillated area, away from naked flames. Keep away from food preparation areas. Store upright with lids secure, away from children & pets. Avoid contact with skin. Clean tools after use.

Knives, scissors and Rotary Cutters; Never pull a blade towards you. Keep fingers well away from the path of a rotary cutter, and fasten closed after use. Put tools away after use and store well out of reach of young children.

Pins and needles: store well out of reach of young children, and ensure that no pins or needles are left lying around on floors or work surfaces.

Iron: always unplug after use, and do not leave unatended. Store away when cool with flex lightly wound.

Sewing Machine: unplug and keep covered when not in use.

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