I was very disappointed by my Shibori results. The dye had seeped underneath stitching and threads, and, at best, the colour was a dark blue rather than black. I re-read Sian's instructions, and decided to give it one more try. This time I used Dylon cold water dye.
2058 was wrapped tightly with string, dipped in dye, and microwaved for 4 mins. I am really happy with the depth of black and the resulting pattern!
2059 was stitched in pin-tucks, gathered tightly, dipped in dye and microwaved. I think the stitching was probably too small to enable me to pull the gathers suffuciently tight enough, but even so, it gave a pleasing result.
2060 was stitched in random circles which were gathered tightly and microwave dyed. I think perhaps that the very dark areas were created where the dye powder hadn't quite disolved properly, so creating a concentration of black dye.
2061 was hand stitched in zig zag formation. Gathered tightly, then painted gently on top of the gathers with black dylon dye.
2062. Arashi Shibori, around a plastic drain pipe. Again painted very gently with dye, making sure that the fabric is not saturated with dye,
Moral of my story. A lot of time can be saved by reading Sian's instructions properly before embarking upon an exercise!