a) zig-zag stitch using stitch length control to graduate tone.
b) as sample a) but also using space/distance.
c) 3 step zig-zag adjusting stitch length.
d) A decorative stitch, overlapping to create darker areas, and adding space to create lighter areas.
e) An embroidery stitch, varying stitch width, stitch length, and distance between rows to create dark and light.
f) zig-zag stitch, adjusting stitch length, and distance between rows, criss-crossed to give variation of tone.
g) Straight stitch in rows that are not parallel to one another. The concentration of lines give a darker area, fading out to a lighter area with less stitching.
h) As g), but using a untility stitch.
WHIP STITCH - Stitching with a loose bobbin thread.
i) Straight stitch. White thread in top spool, black thread in bobbin. Stitch length control knob used to graduate the tones.
j) Satin stitch to zig-zag whip stitch. The white thread in the top spool gives an illusion of invisibility.
k) Satin stitch to zig-zag, adjusting stitch length whilst stitching.
l) Feather stitch in rows that are not parallel to one another. White thread in the top spool, black in the bobbin.
CABLE STITCH - worked on the underside of the fabric. A thicker thread is hand wound onto the bobbin.
m) Straight stitch with thick black pearle thread in the bobbin, and white machine thread in the top spool. Stitch length is adjusted to create tonal graduation.
n) 3 step zig-zag. Thick black thread in the bobbin, white machine thread in the top spool. Tone is created by stitch density.
o) As m) but with thick white pearle in the bobbin, and black machine thread in the top spool.
Machine Stitched Bands to Create Animal Patterns
top row, left to right:
zebra/mohawk, octopus/tentacles, elephant skin
bottom row, left to right:
lizzard/snakeskin, porkupine, feathers
Everyone seems to have had a break since Summer school.Good to see that you're back to work now.